Almost 1.7 million foreigners residing in the U.K. (migrants) are out of work or “economically inactive,” costing taxpayers an estimated £8.5 billion per year according to a new report. An analysis of government figures by the Centre for Immigration Control shows that the current levels are the highest ever, surpassing a previous high of 1,628,000, recorded in 2012. The £8.5 billion estimate doesn’t even include the costs of asylum seekers, who are routinely placed into four star hotels, as well as foreign students, meaning the actual cost to a British taxpayers is probably much higher. In addition, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has revealed that the Home Office spent a staggering £7.9 billion in just three years on asylum, border, and visa management when its budget was just £320 million. They went £7.6 BILLION over budget. IFS research economist Max Warner told the BBC “When there is a one-off unexpected spike in costs or demand, spending more than was budgeted is entirely understandable. But when it is happening year after year, something is going wrong with the budgeting process.” Robert Bates, of the Centre for Migration Control research director, told The Daily Mail that “For all the talk of a fiscal ‘black hole’, the Labour Government seem to […]