The Human Resources Development Fund (HADAF), under the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, has approved a new regulation aimed at preventing violations of its Private Employment Support system. A recent meeting of the board of directors of HADAF adopted the regulation that stipulates stringent punitive measures against those who violate the provisions of the regulation. The punitive measures include suspending the account of the establishment or beneficiary in the HADAF’s automated system and recovering the support amount subject to the violation or all amounts disbursed to the beneficiary or establishment, in addition to canceling the support request and terminating the support agreement. The Private Employment Support system aims to support Saudi jobseekers in the private sector through the HADAF paying a proportion of the employee’s wages. It includes support for all jobs in the private sector for full-time period. The regulation cites the procedures for monitoring and proving violations, and it allows HADAF to impose one or more penalties on the violator. The regulation stipulates that there is a possibility of considering lifting the suspension of services in the event that the violator returns the support amounts and complies with all corrective measures. The regulation also allows approaching […]