A Ukrainian drone swarm sent against Russia is being widely seen as one of the largest single drone attacks from Ukraine of the war, if not the biggest. Early on Tuesday drones slammed into regions across Russia, including reaching the capital of Moscow. One Russian woman was killed when a drone directly hit her apartment complex just outside Moscow. The drone smashed into a 17-floor high rise where her residence was, and significant damage was later seen to the 10th through 12th floors where the woman’s residence was. Several others were injured in the early dark hours drone assault. At least 144 drones were reported intercepted over Russian territory during the attack wave, which disrupted traffic at multiple airports, causing stops and delays. This means the total drones sent was likely in the hundreds. Such an attack method to sow general terror and panic in the Russian population is likely preferred at this point by Ukrainian commanders as it risks no valuable manpower and costs little. According to a summary of the impact on airports: In a major disruption of air traffic, four airports servicing Moscow — including key hubs Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo — canceled or delayed flights on Tuesday morning as a result of the attack, […]