The Saudi art world was deeply saddened by the passing of Safeya Binzagr, the celebrated artist often referred to as the “Mona Lisa of Hijaz,” on Thursday. Born in 1940 in the heart of Jeddah’s old city Harat Al-Sham, Safeya Binzagr’s early life was intertwined with the rich heritage and traditions of her hometown. The old city’s ambiance and the warmth of its people profoundly influenced her artistic journey. In 1947, Binzagr and her family moved to Egypt, but the memories of Jeddah’s narrow alleys and traditional customs remained deeply ingrained in her. Returning to Jeddah in 1963, Safeya witnessed the city’s transformation as modernization began to reshape its traditional character. Despite the changing landscape, she remained steadfast in her desire to preserve and celebrate Old Jeddah through her art. Her brush became a means to recreate and immortalize the past, capturing the essence of the city and its people. Safeya’s artistic education began in Cairo, where she attended school and completed her secondary certificate in 1957. She graduated with an Art Diploma in 1960 and furthered her studies at Finishing School in London. Returning to Egypt in 1965, she took private art lessons and later attended Saint Martins College […]