Dubai Customs has successfully uncovered a sophisticated marijuana smuggling operation, demonstrating its advanced capabilities both locally and globally in detecting illicit substances and countering smuggling attempts. The smuggling technique, employed by travelers from the same Asian country in several instances, was meticulously unraveled by customs inspectors. The marijuana was found packed in compressed, vacuum-sealed plastic bags to mask the odor and consolidate the substance, enabling the transport of large quantities in compact spaces. The drugs were then cleverly concealed within cardboard and plastic food product boxes of well-known brands to avoid suspicion. This method led to the interception of 13 smuggling attempts, involving a total of 54kg of marijuana. Ibrahim Al-Kamali, Director of Passenger Operations at Dubai Customs, said the smugglers had employed a transit strategy from a Gulf country to mislead authorities. Al-Kamali said, “In recent years, there has been a significant evolution in drug smuggling tactics and concealment methods, with a marked increase in such operations. Consequently, Dubai Customs continuously trains its inspectors in various smuggling techniques and detection methods, including body language analysis to identify smugglers. The department also equips its customs centres with the latest, most advanced inspection technologies for detecting illicit substances.” Khaled Ahmed, Senior […]