An Asian man convicted of attempted murder in a dispute over an ice block sale is appealing his 7-year prison sentence and deportation order. The High Appeals Court has scheduled to hear his appeal on September 23rd. The defendant, a 44-year-old ice vendor, was found guilty of attacking a fellow vendor, resulting in multiple stab wounds and a permanent disability. The incident occurred in the central market area of Manama after a verbal altercation escalated into a physical fight. According to the court’s findings, the altercation began when the victim, an ice seller, and the defendant, who worked in the same field, argued over a customer. The verbal dispute escalated into a physical fight, during which the defendant grabbed a knife used for breaking ice and struck the victim in the face, causing him to lose two teeth. The victim attempted to flee, but the defendant pursued him, stabbing him multiple times in the back, shoulder, arm, elbow, and abdomen. The attack was witnessed by several people who intervened, stopping the defendant from continuing his assault. The defendant then fled the scene, leaving the knife behind. A witness testified that he saw the victim covered in blood and with multiple […]