Two cars collided head-on near the border between Saudi Arabia leaving four people dead and two others injured, a Saudi media report said. The collision occurred Sunday evening between a Saudi and a Jordanian car in an area lying between Jordan’s Zarqa governorate and the Al Omari border crossing with Saudi Arabia, added the news website Akhbar24. The crash resulted in four Jordanian deaths while the two injured people are Saudi nationals – one of them was seriously wounded. Jordanian authorities opened an investigation into the accident while the injured were hospitalised, the report said. In recent years, Saudi authorities have stepped up efforts to curb road mishaps. Citing a 2023 World Health Organisation report, Saudi Minister of Health Fahd Al Jalajel said in May that fatalities from traffic accidents in the kingdom had decreased by 50% while resulting injuries fell by 35%. Saudi Arabia has also toughened penalties against traffic offences. Fines ranging from SR100 to SR150 are imposed on motorists who fail to give priority to pedestrians using their designated crossings. Authorities have also warned that using a cellphone at the wheel is an offence punishable by a fine of up to SR900, while driving a vehicle with […]