An opposition lawmaker in Ukrainian parliament is warning that President Vladimir Zelensky could eventually face a coup if he persists in banning national elections. The Verkhovna Rada lawmaker, Alexander Dubinsky, wrote on Telegram that “a coup is possible.” He warned this will be the case “if Zelensky, who has done everything contrary to the interests of Ukraine, remains in power bypassing the elections. Surely no one will tolerate this.” But already, the government had canceled elections which were supposed to be held last spring, citing martial law and the necessity of no disruption in government due to the Russian invasion. This is a situation which looks to persist longer, angering many Ukrainians who are dissatisfied with Zelensky’s handling of the war. President Putin had called Zelensky ‘illegitimate’ as a result, but NATO allies including the United States had accepted the cancelation of elections. Putin had said that his term “expired together with its legitimacy, which cannot be restored by any tricks.” Dubinsky, the opposition lawmaker now highlighting the issue, has actually been under investigation for treason stemming from a years-long alleged criminal conspiracy involving corruption. Kiev has long maintained that indefinitely postponing elections was in accord with the nation’s constitution: One potential coup scenario, however, might involve far-right elements connected to Ukraine’s […]