A passenger, accused of bringing and possessing amphetamine pills and e-cigarettes containing cannabis-liquid, escaped lengthy imprisonment and ended up with a Dh10,000 fine after his lawyer convinced the court to downgrade his charges. Following his arrival at the Dubai International Airport in June 2023, Dubai prosecutors accused the Arab man of bringing and possessing 24 e-cigarettes containing an oily substance mixed with cannabis and 19-and-a-half amphetamine pills. The illegal substances that were seized in his possession at Terminal 3 were 24 e-cigarettes containing, as per the arraignment sheet, an oily substance melded with cannabis weighing totally 23.5gr, and the amphetamine weighed 3.87gr. Prosecutors referred the defendant to the Dubai Criminal Court and asked for the implementation of the toughest punishment applicable, without specifying his intent behind the possession. “The forensic lab was unable to specify the exact weight of the drug substance [cannabis] melded with the liquid inside the e-cigarettes. Also, the lab couldn’t specify whether the cannabis material had been put up in the e-cigarette before or after they were manufactured to know the exact weight of the illegal substance, aside from the weight of e-cigarettes’ filters (independently),” the defendant’s lawyer Massouma Al Sayegh, of Dar Al Balagh Advocates, […]