A Kuwaiti man had turned himself in to police and admitted to having killed an Asian domestic worker two months ago, Kuwaiti media re-ported. The man said that he had given a good beating to the female worker during an argument between them and she fainted. Later, he discovered her death and buried her body in his backyard in the Jahra governorate in north-western Kuwait. The self-confessed killer told investigators that he had fatally hit the girl by mistake, after a quarrel between them, and left her in the house for a while. On returning, he found out about her death Two months later, his conscience pricked and prodded him to surrender to police, Kuwaiti newspaper Al Qabas reported, citing a security source. The woman’s decomposed body was extracted from the backyard. Investigations are underway to clarify the circumstances of the murder and the motive. The victim was a Filipina, according to the report. Initial investigations revealed that the man had killed his domestic worker, and he had buried her body in the garden of his house, Al Rai newspaper quoted security sources as saying. The crime was the third of its kind reported in Kuwait in three days. The […]