A devastating fire caused by a heater claimed the lives of four members of a Yemeni family in Hafr Al Batin early on Monday morning, while six others were rushed to intensive care. The fire broke out around 4:30am and resulted in a tragic loss for the family, which consisted of ten members. According to the Civil Defence, the fire was reported at a home in the region, and rescue teams were immediately dispatched to the scene. Unfortunately, the teams were unable to save four family members, including an 8-month-old baby girl and an 18-year-old woman who had been preparing for her wedding after Ramadan. In a TV interview, the grieving grandfather, Awad Darwish, struggled to hold back tears as he recounted the horror of the incident. “We didn’t know what was happening until we received a call from the neighbors telling us there was a fire at my son’s house,” he said. “My son-in-law, who passed away, was like my own son. I raised him and helped him marry. When we arrived, we found them lifeless… in bags. Yet, we thank God for everything,” the grandfather added. The victims included three young girls and a baby boy, with the […]