New figures released by the UK government have revealed that foreign nationals are twice as likely to be arrested for crimes compared to British citizens, and 3.5 times more likely to be arrested for sexual offences. The statistics were compiled by the Centre for Migration Control using data from police forces, the Home Office and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). “Foreigners were 3.5 times as likely to be arrested for sex offences as British suspects, based on a rate of nearly 165 arrests per 100,000 of the migrant population against 48 per 100,000 for Britons,” reports the Telegraph. Over a quarter (26.1 per cent) of arrests for sexual offences in the first 10 months of last year were foreign migrants, who make up around 9 per cent of the population. MASSIVE Story: finally we have the official data and yes, foreign nationals are THREE TIMES as likely as Brits to be arrested for sex crimes.Mass uncontrolled immigration from backward countries has led to huge numbers of British women being assaulted. — Patrick O'Flynn (@oflynnsocial) January 5, 2025 For all crimes, foreign nationals accounted for 16.1 per cent of the total number of arrests, twice the rate of British natives. Some regions […]