A grandmother has won the right to raise her granddaughter after overturning an earlier court ruling, while the girl’s brother will remain in his father’s care. The Sharia Court’s decision follows the death of the children’s mother and a legal wrangle over who should raise them. The case had initially been dismissed, with the court deciding that both children would be better off with their father. Appeal The grandmother, however, refused to accept the ruling and lodged an appeal, arguing that her granddaughter had lived with her since birth and thrived under her care. She pointed to the girl’s strong school record and insisted that separating them would not be in the child’s best interests. Lawyer Hessa Jassim, representing the grandmother, said her client had sought custody of both children but was met with resistance in court. Age The first ruling had found that the grandmother’s age might leave her unable to care for young children properly, and that their father was better placed to take them in. Unhappy with the verdict, the grandmother took her fight to a higher court. She challenged the decision, arguing that it had been reached without properly weighing up the facts. She said it […]