ANNABA- The Secretary General of the National Democratic Rally (RND), Mustapha Yahi, affirmed Monday, in Annaba, that renewing confidence in the independent candidate Abdelmadjid Tebboune, during the presidential election of 7 September, will enable him to implement his economic programme.

“Renewing confidence in the independent candidate Abdelmadjid Tebboune will enable him to implement his economic programme which aims to increase, in the next two years, the gross domestic product (GDP) to about USD400 billion, and to reduce the dependence on hydrocarbons by diversifying investments and revenue resources,” said Yahi, in a popular meeting at the Palace of Culture Mohamed-Boudiaf of Annaba on the 5th day of the electoral campaign.

Yahi reaffirmed that electing Abdelmadjid Tebboune for a second term “will enable him to strengthen the political, social and economic gains achieved during the first presidential term,” calling on the Algerians to go massively to the polls on 7 September.