ROMA-The Algerian LNG carrier Tessala (171,000 m3) on Tuesday rescued migrants shipwrecked off the coast of Sardinia, after being requested to do so by the Italian coastguard.


As it was passing near Sardinia, the LNG carrier received an emergency call from the Italian coastguards at around 2 pm for a rescue operation of illegal migrants who were aboard a boat that had run aground on the high seas.

Tessala responded “very quickly” to the call, taking on board all the 30 passengers from various nationalities. There were no Algerians among the passengers who were offered food and were dealt with by the Tessala staff who offered them food and heated clothing.

All of the 30 passengers were handed over to the Italian coastguards (around 3:30 pm) who warmly thanked the Tessala staff for their efforts.

Subsequently, Tessala continued its mission as normal.  [/ecr]