Presidential election: National press spotlight electoral promises

ALGIERS — The national press published on Wednesday delved deeply into the strategies carried out by the candidates running for the September 7th presidential election, with a particular focus on the promises and commitments expressed during the election campaign.

The newspaper El Massa noted that the three candidates — Youcef Aouchiche of the Socialist Forces Front, independent candidate Abdelmadjid Tebboune, and Abdelaali Hassani Cherif of the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP) — all carried out “intense proximity activities” on day six of the campaign.

It reported the Socialist Forces Front candidate’s assertion that change can only be achieved through widespread public mobilization, the calls from parties’ leaders backing the independent candidate Abdelmadjid Tebboune to vote for him so as to continue the reforms, as well as the MSP’s candidate who urged citizens to vote in force to bar the way to Algeria’s enemies.

The newspaper Echaâb described the first six days of the election campaign as “calm,” marked by the candidates’ commitments to convince voters of the validity of their respective programs.

“The battle of programs carries on,” headlined Horizons, saying that although the candidates’ visions on governance differ, the social issue is a central challenge, writing that “social stability is an imperative for all three candidates.”

El Badil said that promises and commitments dominate the candidates’ programs in this campaign marked by intense proximity activities and public rallies.

Under the headline, “Candidates address the issue openly,” El Moudjahid said that “the issue of the fair distribution of the country’s wealth has a central place in the campaign programs.”

L'Echo d'Algérie underscored that Abdelmadjid Tebboune “intends to establish a robust economic foundation,” Hassani Cherif “promises to put the country’s wealth at the service of development and food security” and Youcef Aouchiche has “placed the social issue as a key orientation of his electoral program.”

Le Jour d'Algérie observed “fervor surrounding Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s candidacy,” stressing that “various political activists and associations are rushing to back this independent candidate, whose objective is to continue the reforms and major projects launched during his term.”

It also underscored the Socialist Forces Front candidate’s focus on the need for all citizens to participate in the upcoming election so as to stand up to anyone attempting to undermine the country, with the only way of doing this is to resolutely go to the polls on September 7.

Hassani Cherif spoke of the need for “popular legitimacy,” calling for “general mobilization” for this election “which is held in an exceptional climate,” as per the daily.

Headlining “The Algerian diaspora prepares,” the e-Bourse newspaper highlighted the mobilization of members of the Association of Algerians in Europe and other associations, so as to “foster debates and exchange ideas on the programs of the three candidates.”

La Voie d'Algérie highlighted the “unanimous calls from the candidates for a strong voter turnout,” while Alger16 and El Oumma cited the candidates’ remarks focused on social support and economic development, a focus also highlighted by El Watan, Le Soir d'Algérie and the Quotidien d'Oran.

The dailies El Khabar and Echourouk noted that Algeria’s foreign policy has united the three presidential candidates, noting a consensus on regional and international issues, particularly support for Palestine and Western Sahara.