Presidential election: MSP candidate presents border region development program

NAAMA —The candidate of the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP) for the September 7 Presidential election, Abdelaali Hassani Cherif, outlined Friday in Naâma his program for the development of border regions.

Leading a public rally in Mecheria municipality, Hassani Cherif affirmed that “developing border provinces is crucial for maintaining social stability.”

In this regard, he added that protecting national borders “is a collective responsibility, that requires the people to rally around their Army.” He called on Algerians “to show awareness and responsibility” in order to carry on “thwarting the vile schemes aimed at flooding the country with drugs and undermining our economy and our social stability.”

The MSP candidate said that the objective of his political project, based on “an evaluation and precise diagnosis of the economic and social situation” is to “address shortcomings and relaunch agricultural, industrial and tourist projects. This involves investing in human resources to better meet the aspirations of the population countrywide, including in Naâma province.”

He further underscored the importance of fair wealth distribution, “by eliminating bureaucracy, nepotism and administrative misconduct.”

Hassani Cherif has also committed “to provide all necessary support to the Algerian diaspora in order to involve them in public life and bolster their ties with their homeland, by ensuring an adequate climate to contribute to development efforts.”

He touched on “the implementation of Islamic finance in project financing, especially those intended for the youth, in addition to boosting the role of waqf institutions to give young investors opportunities.”

For the candidate, the upcoming Presidential election is taking place “at a critical time when the Arab-Muslim nation faces attempts to divide it and put it under the domination of the West and its Zionist ally.”

Hassani Cherif said that Algeria is “at the heart of these changes, due to its principled positions backing just causes worldwide, notably the Palestinian and Sahrawi issues,” calling on citizens “to turn out in large numbers on election day to thwart the schemes of enemies and plotters against our country.”