BECHAR- The candidate of the movement of Society for Peace (MSP) for the September 7 Presidential Election, Abdelaali Hassani Cherif, affirmed Friday, in Bechar, that the upcoming Presidential Election is “an important step in the history of the country,” calling for a massive participation.

“A massive participation of citizens in the upcoming election will strengthen national unity and provide a popular base for the future president of the Republic, enabling Algeria to face all challenges and intentions of the enemies,” he emphasized during a meeting at the Mohamed Kadi arts center.

Abdelaali Hassani Cherif also called on citizens to participate in this election, thus demonstrating their commitment to the stability and development of the country.

My electoral program entitled “Forsa” (Opportunity) is “a tool for building a free, solidarity and social-based economy, relying on an equitable distribution of wealth, while taking charge of local development issues, notably border regions, as is the case of the province of Bechar," the MSP candidate said.

“This electoral program aims to transform our territory into an engine for regional socioeconomic development by harnessing and enhancing the mining, agricultural, and tourism potential,” he emphasized.

“The regional development starts with the complete reform of the system of local authorities, by reinforcing their administrative and financial prerogatives, as well as autonomizing the management of people’s communal assemblies in order to contribute to the development of the local authorities.”

Abdelaali Hassani Cherif also highlighted the need to strengthen Islamic finance to enable the funding of projects, especially those destined for youth and women.

He also underscored the need for the establishment of a Zakat bank to finance projects for youth and women.

He committed to reinforce the State’s social character and fight bureaucracy and corruption.

The upcoming presidential election is occurring in a context where the world is no longer shaped by ideologies, but by economic and financial interests. Therefore, it is necessary to re-examine the deployment of our diplomacy to ensure it can defend the interests of our country and economy," he said.

At the end of his speech, the MSP candidate called on citizens to turn out in large numbers at the polls on September 7th, to thwart the plans of the country’s conspirators and enemies.