9th day of election campaign: Supporting economic development for strong, modern State

ALGIERS- The candidates for the presidential election of September 7th and their representatives called on Friday to support the country’s economic development, by investing in human resources with a view to building a strong and modern State.  

In this regard, the candidate of the Socialist Forces Front (FFS), Youcef Aouchiche, suggested in the provinces of Jijel and Mila, on the 9th day of the election campaign, to “restructure the national economy according to each region’s specificities,” by creating “industrial and agricultural centers” to “put an end to the dependence on hydrocarbons.”

He said that Algeria has “all the necessary potential to build a diversified and integrated economy.”

Citing the example of the province of Jijel, he underlined that” several countries that do not have tourism assets as important as ours, have managed, thanks to the investment and good management, to make tourism the main source of their revenue.”

He also committed to “accompanying investors in the fisheries sector and to end speculation so that to fight against the sharp rise in fish prices.”

Broaching the main lines of his electoral programme “Vision for Tomorrow,” Aouchiche reiterated the emphasis placed on “preserving the purchasing power,” suggesting a vast number of measures, including the revision of the salary grid and the encouragement of investment projects creating wealth and jobs.”

In Ain Defla, Chlef, Relizane and Mostaganem, Brahim Merad, the campaign’s director of independent candidate, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, underlined that “the policy of Abdelmadjid Tebboune will be based, if elected for a second term, on backing the economy for a modern State that lives up to the citizens’ expectations.”

He pointed out that the independent candidate’s election program “comprises the reexamination of administrative division, so that to create new provinces with the aim to bring citizens closed to the decision-making centre.”

Merad emphasized that " the program of Abdelmadjid Tebboune puts citizens at its core, understanding their concerns and issues across all regions of the country." He urged citizens to rally behind the independent candidate, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, and turn out in large numbers at the polls on September 7th.

Abdelkader Bengrina, leader of the El-Bina Movement, spoke in Djelfa, encouraging widespread voter participation and support for Abdelmadjid Tebboune to continue building a new Algeria. Similarly, Fateh Boutbig, head of the El-Moustakbal Front, called from Boussaâda (M'sila) to vote in favor of the independent candidate, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, to complete the reforms initiated during his first presidential term.

For his part, Tahar Benbaïbeche, president of the El Fadjr El Djadid party, underscored in Skikda that the independent candidate Abdelmadjid Tebboune's program is "the best option for maintaining the country's stability and ensuring its progress."

The candidate for the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP), Abdelaali Hassani Cherif, emphasized the development of border regions during his speeches in the provinces of Naama and Bechar, considering this development "crucial for maintaining social stability".

Cherif underlined that protecting borders is "a shared responsibility that requires the people's unity with their army".

He also urged the Algerian people "to remain vigilant and responsible" in order to "thwart the despicable schemes aimed at flooding the country with drugs, which threaten both the economy and social stability of Algeria".

MSP’s candidate said that the aim of his political project, based on “a precise assessment and diagnosis of the social and economic reality,” is to “address the shortcomings and relaunch the agricultural, industrial and tourism projects, by investing in human resources to better meet the population’s aspirations and fairly distributing wealth,” through “the eradication of bureaucracy, nepotism and administrative abuse.”

He committed to providing “all facilitations to the members of the national community abroad to involve them in the political life,” stressing that the next presidential election takes place in “delicate circumstances.”

He also urged the citizens to go massively to the polls to “thwart hostile plans to Algeria.”