Presidential Election: Voting to defend country’s highest interests, says Hassani Cherif

ORAN- The candidate of the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP) for the Presidential Election of 7 September, Abdelaali Hassani Cherif, underscored Sunday, in the province of Oran, the importance of voting to defend the country’s highest interests.

Hosting a meeting on the 10th day of the election campaign for the upcoming presidential election, in the presence of former president of the movement, Aboudjerra Soltani, Hassani Cherif said that the election success “will be beneficial for the country,” adding that “by voting, the people will demonstrate their awareness of their responsibility in safeguarding the nation's highest interests.”

Affirming that “the MSP rejects all forms of exclusion and marginalization,” He said that his project “aims to restore citizens' trust and revive hope for a unified, leading, influential, democratic, and socially responsible State. This will be achieved through broad political cooperation, an effective institutional framework, and a thriving economic model, in parallel with the preservation of the State’s social character and strengthening of Algeria's central role in international fora.”

In this respect, the MSP candidate hailed Oran’s authentic people, who are respectful of societal values, he added, saying that the region “needs a development plan that matches their ambitions.”

The candidate underscored that if elected, he would “strengthen the rule of law, promote individual rights, ensure social justice, reduce inequalities, address land-related issues, tackle unemployment, and enable skilled Algerians living abroad to contribute to the country's economic development.”

He also “promised to ensure an equitable distribution of wealth, to support vulnerable classes, to lift investment obstacles and to associate women and youth in the development process.”

Roaming the streets of Oran with MSP party’s members and supporters, the candidate Hassani Cherif invited citizens to consult his electoral program “Forsa” (opportunity).

Prior to this, he visited Ain Temouchent, where he assured the citizens that this province “holds a significant place in his program, which aims to foster development and ensure social justice and equal opportunities.”