Candidate Aouchiche calls on Algerians to vote massively for strong Algeria

GHARDAIA- The candidate of the Socialist Forces Front (FFS) to the presidential election of 7 September, Youcef Aouchiche, committed Sunday evening, in Guerrara (120km east of Ghardaia), to building a strong State, by setting up sound institutions through the will of the Algerian people.

Speaking in a meeting with the activists and supporters of FFS at Abou El-Yakadan arts centre, Aouhciche affirmed that the establishment of sound institution must be carried out through the participation of all the Algerians in this vote to choose their representatives in these institutions.

This electoral event is a chance for the Algerian people to make a change, said candidate Aouchiche, calling on the Algerians to go massively to the polls on 7 September, for the building of a strong Algeria according to a futurist perspective “Vision for tomorrow.”

While briefly citing the main lines of his program, Yocef Aouchiche committed to combining all the conditions to create jobs in the country’s different regions, according to their economic specificities.

“Our program aims to restore hope to all the Algerians, notably young people,” he stressed, underlining that his program relies on “feasible solutions.”

He also committed to increasing the national guaranteed minimum income (SNMG) and family allowance.

He underscored that tome has come to bring the country out of oil-based economy, by creating conditions encouraging investment, creation of jobs and wealth.