Election Campaign: candidates commit to meeting Algerians’ aspirations

ALGIERS- The candidates for the September 7 presidential election, as well as their representatives, reaffirmed Sunday on the 11th day of the election campaign, their commitment to meeting the aspirations of Algerians, calling on citizens to go massively to the polls.

During a popular meeting, the independent candidate, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, promised that, if re-elected, he would create 450,000 jobs and raise the unemployment benefit to DZD20,000, emphasizing that combating unemployment would be an “absolute priority.”

Highlighting the importance of youth, he recalled “the commitment he honoured during his presidential term in favour of young people, by allowing them to access several political positions, thus fostering the emergence of a new political class.”

In this regard, he expressed his hope that the majority of leaders in People's Communal and Provincial Assemblies would be young people in the upcoming years, and that 50% of the members of the People's National Assembly would be young people.”

The independent candidate, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, also committed to increase retirement pensions and allowances for vulnerable categories and housewives, as well as the university bursaries and to raise the unemployment allowance to DZD20,000 as from 2025.

He emphasized his commitment to reach 500,000 young self-employed entrepreneurs, with the support of banks, the Administration and the Supreme Council of Youth.

He also engaged, if re-elected, to increase the number of start-ups from 7,800 to 20,000.

Tebboune committed to give concrete expression to the teacher’s status before the end of 2024, extend the railway to the provinces of Tamanrasset and Adrar and to continue addressing the water scarcity issue.

In addition to the ongoing seawater desalination projects, dams will be interconnected so as to create a balance between regions with high rainfall and those facing water scarcity, he said.

The independent candidate, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, also engaged to deal with the issues of grey areas by the end of 2025, He reiterated his commitment to building two (2) million housing units, including 600,000 units as part of rural housing.

In this respect, Abdelmadjid Tebboune reaffirmed his commitment to “boost purchasing power by raising salaries, combating inflation, and revaluing the national currency.”

He also assured that he “will continue to support and develop the agricultural sector, address the issue of animal feed, and completely stop the importation of durum wheat by 2026.”

Meanwhile, the leaders of the political parties supporting the independent candidate, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, held meetings with the citizens of several provinces, calling to renew their trust in him for a second term in order to “continue building the new Algeria.”

The president of the El Fadjr El Djadid party, Tahar Benbaibeche, in Batna, the president of the El-Bina Movement, Abdelkader Bengrina, in Bouira, and the president of the Tajamoue Amal El Djazair (TAJ) party, Fatma Zohra Zerouati, in El Eulma (Setif province), called to massively vote in favour of the independent candidate, Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

During a popular meeting in Relizane, the independent candidate of the Movement of Society for Peace, Abdelaali Hassani Cherif, underscored his program “Forsa” (Opportunity) which focuses on “reform, renewal and addressing the shortcomings recorded in all fields, so as to meet citizens' aspirations for a democratic, pluralistic, and socially responsible State.”

In this regard, he highlighted the social aspect of his program which aims to “continue the diversification of housing formulas, both in quantity and quality, according to the citizens' incomes,” promising to guarantee an “equitable distribution” of housing units and to regularize the situation of individual housing units.

He further said that his program aims to “update and improve” the quality and well-being criteria through the development of support and promotion mechanisms of the rural housing and the revitalization of the rental market, which would encourage real estate investment, in addition to diversifying housing financing sources and implementing procedures to facilitate renting vacant housing.

The candidate also emphasized that his project focuses on “encouraging investment by creating a favourable and attractive environment,” especially in manufacturing, energy, and agricultural industries by expanding local financing mechanisms, such as subsidies and development funds, as well as automotive spare parts, with the potential for a “Made in Algeria” automotive industry.”

Hassani Cherif also reaffirmed the importance of this "crucial" electoral event, which is occurring in a “difficult and complex” international context.

He called on citizens to “rally around the electoral process and vote massively on the 7th September, as a sign of unity and cohesion to thwart the insidious schemes targeting our country.”

The candidate of the Front of Socialist Forces (FFS), Youcef Aouchiche, held a meeting on Sunday evening at “Abou El Yakadan” arts center in El Guerrara, (Ghardaïa province), accompanied by his party’s members and supporters.

During the meeting, he committed to building a strong Algeria with strong institutions where equality and justice would prevail.