Presidential election: National press underlines accelerated pace of election campaign, citizens’ interest

ALGIERS-Several national newspapers underlined Wednesday the accelerated pace of the 7 September presidential election campaign, describing it as different from the precedent ones given candidates’ commitment and the interest aroused among citizens, thus thwarting defeatist projections.

Headlining on the campaign, which enters its 3rd week on Thursday, Horizons noted in its commentary that “the electoral fever that has gripped Algerians is not abating”, underlining that “contrary to all the defeatist predictions that citizens would lose interest due to the hot weather and the fact that it coincides with the vacation period, proof is now given that this is not the case.”

In the same vein, the editorial of El Moudjahid newspaper mentioned that “slowly but surely, Algeria has succeeded in its challenge and, thanks to a presidential election and an electoral campaign of the highest quality, has managed to thwart all defeatist forecasts.”

L'Expression daily also wrote in its editorial, under the headline “The Next Great Victory”, that “in 12 days of campaigning, there was not a single slip-up that would give ‘grist to the mill’ to an opinion in need of sensations,” assuring that “this campaign, so different from previous ones, has captured the interest of citizens through its seriousness and the real commitment of the candidates and their supporters.”

For L'Echo d'Algérie, the electoral programs of the three candidates are “close to citizens' expectations,” noting “a strong presence of women in the electoral campaign.”

La Voie d'Algérie daily reported in detail on the field visits made by the candidates and their representatives, pointing out that the candidate of the Front of Socialist Forces (FFS), Youcef Aouchiche “promised to be a strong advocate of women's rights”. Youcef Aouchiche “promises to implement a balanced economic system”. Also, “the structuring projects of independent candidate Abdelmadjid Tebboune were highlighted by his supporters,” underlining “the support of the Tariqa Taïbia Touhamia for Abdelmadjid Tebboune.”

The daily Alger16 followed suit, reporting that “the three candidates and their representatives highlighted the realistic solutions in their programs to address the concerns of the various social categories”.

Le Soir d'Algérie newspaper quoted the FFS candidate's plea for an “equitable distribution of wealth”. It also quoted Brahim Merad, campaign manager for independent candidate Abdelmadjid Tebboune, whose “electoral program has a proactive vision,” while the MSP candidate focused on the Western Sahara issue, which is “intimately linked to national security.”

For the daily El Watan, “local development is at the heart of the campaign” while the daily Echaab crossed its front page with an eloquent headline “The Citizen is the Key to Victory”, noting that the three candidates have just ten days left to convince citizens and win their trust.

For El Massa, the presidential election, which remains “the most significant event on the national scene”, saw the candidates and their representatives prioritize outreach activities to get closer to citizens and convince them to vote, without, however, neglecting the vote of members of the national community established abroad.

For its part, El Badil focused on “the communication methods adopted by the three candidates, as well as the content of their respective programs”, stressing that citizens are following the campaign with “great interest.”

El Hiwar, for its part, wrote about the race against the clock being waged by the candidates, who are stepping up a gear in order to visit as many provinces as possible, on the eve of the start of the third final week of the campaign, noting in this connection that “the competition remains calm and fair.”

For the daily El Wasat, the candidates focused their respective speeches on the social aspect and unanimously pledged to maintain the social character of the State.

El Khabar noted that the candidates and their representatives had simultaneously travelled to the south of the country, where they emphasized the equitable distribution of the country's wealth, while advocating development based on a new vision.