Presidential election: Massive use of social networks during election campaign

ALGIERS- The campaign directorates of the candidates for the Presidential election of 7 September are massively using social networks to reach a maximum of citizens, given the advantages that these platforms offer in terms of speed of dissemination and interactivity, without neglecting traditional media, the combination of both being the most effective way to reach voters.


According to the latest statistics, there are about 25 million Algerian social networks users, professor of information and communication sciences, Laïd Zeghlami told APS, adding that it is a significant figure that has led candidates’ campaign managers to integrate these platforms into their communication strategy, as they allow to quickly reach large sections of society, especially young people, who represent more than 70% of the population, underlining that the interactivity it offers was a significant asset compared to traditional media.

In this respect, Samir Aggoune, the communication coordinator of the campaign directorate of independent candidate, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, underscored that whether traditional (television, radio and written press) or electronic (social media), all media outlets are important to broadcast election programs.

While traditional and social media complement each other, social networks offer the advantage of reaching a wider audience. "Incorporating social media into our candidate's campaign strategy aims to give citizens, who are at the heart of his project, a comprehensive understanding of his promising election program," he added.

“The election program was broadcast on different social media platforms and the official website of the election campaign directorate,” said Aggoune.

Special teams were dedicated to ensure the dissemination of various contents (speeches, meetings, local activities...) via these platforms while taking into account their specificities.[/ecr]