Presidential election campaign: Final push to convince voters

ALGIERS-The electoral campaign for the September 7 presidential election, now entering its home stretch, is gathering momentum, with candidates and their backers focusing on the concerns of citizens in a bid to win their confidence.


The first two weeks of the campaign have seen the speeches of the three candidates, Youcef Aouchiche, Abdelmadjid Tebboune and Abdelaali Hassani Cherif, evolve, as they explained the broad outlines of their electoral programs, putting forward concrete proposals aimed at improving purchasing power, relaunching development projects and providing solutions to sectoral demands.

Using all the means available to them under the law, including rallies and outreach activities, audiovisual and print media coverage, and social networking sites, the candidates presented the merits of their respective programs, calling on citizens to turn out in force on polling day to realize their aspirations.

For all three candidates, this election represents a crucial step for the country's future and is aimed at preserving stability and enshrining national sovereignty.

During the first two weeks of the election campaign, the candidates pledged to improve the living conditions of citizens, like the Front of Socialist Forces (FFS) candidate, Youssef Aouchiche, who proposes to create employment opportunities adapted to regional specificities, to increase the minimum wage (SNMG) and family allowances, and to introduce new subsidies as part of a balanced economic system.

For his part, the independent candidate, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, focused on boosting economic stability and social cohesion, promising the creation of new jobs, better representation of young people in elected bodies, and raising pensions and allowances for vulnerable categories, such as housewives, students and the unemployed.

Lastly, the candidate of the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP), Abdelali Hassani Cherif, focused on reforms to meet citizens' socio-economic expectations. He pledged to support purchasing power, look after the most vulnerable sections of society, review retirement pensions and establish a national system to regulate the levels and forms of support.[/ecr]