Candidate Hassani Cherif: My program is based on comprehensive reform of education

OUARGLA-The candidate of the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP), Abdelaali Hassani Cherif, asserted on Friday in Ouargla that his electoral program was based on a comprehensive and structural reform of education and teaching, in order to train a generation aware of its responsibilities to the homeland and the challenges it faces.


Leading a popular rally at the “Moufdi Zakaria” House of Culture in the city center, on the 16th day of the election campaign, Hassani Cherif said that the priorities of his “Opportunity” program included “investment in human resources, which is the foundation of development and progress, by ensuring structural reform of education, teaching, the policy of evaluation, adjustment and periodic updating of educational programs, in addition to encouraging and regulating the private sector and setting up preventive mechanisms against social evils in the school environment.”

The MSP candidate indicated that, if elected, he would work to “rehabilitate workers in the education sector, develop teacher training, activate the role of the inspectorate and extracurricular activities, promote school information and create an advisory council to provide local support for the education operation.”

“Maintaining a stable family and a harmonious society, as well as protecting young people from social ills, means preserving the identity and authenticity of the Algerian people”, he stressed.

He also highlighted “the historical and cultural dimension, wealth and religious tourism potential of the province of Ouargla, making it a key province in the national economy.”

In this respect, the MSP president stressed that his program aimed to “boost major projects capable of reducing unemployment, providing jobs for young people, diversifying economic institutions, encouraging investment by granting facilities, focusing on the fields of energy, exploration and the processing of raw materials.”

As for financing projects for young people, he proposed “using the wakfs, converting the Zakat Fund into a Zakat bank, and guaranteeing interest-free loans.”

At the end of the meeting, Hassani Cherif stressed that the forthcoming presidential election was “decisive," calling on the population of Ouargla to “vote for him so that he implements his electoral program which aims to make Algeria an emerging State.”[/ecr]