ALGIERS — The President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, on Saturday sent a condolence message to the family of the French political activist, Alban Liechti, who passed away on Thursday, affirming that with Liechti’s death, Algeria has lost “a friend of the Algerian Revolution and a great activist among the freemen of the world.”

“It is with deep sadness that I learned the news of the passing of the French political activist, Alban Liechti, one of the great friends of the Algerian Revolution who refused to take up arms against the Algerian people following his mobilization by the French colonial army,” the President of the Republic said.

“His death means Algeria has lost a great activist among the freemen of the world,” he further noted.

“On my own behalf and that of the Algerian people, I extend my heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathy to his family and to freedom-loving people worldwide,” the President of the Republic said.