Presidential Election: Hassani Cherif urges bolstering national unity

TIZI-OUZOU — The candidate of the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP) for the upcoming September 7 presidential election, Abdelaali Hassani Cherif, affirmed Saturday in Tizi-Ouzou that his electoral program aims to strengthen national unity and preserve the country’s stability.

Leading a popular rally at the Scientific Leisure Center in the city center, on day 17 of the electoral campaign for the upcoming Presidential election, Hassani Cherif highlighted his commitment to “visit the different regions of the country during his electoral campaign,” affirming that his electoral program “aims to bolster the unity of the Algerian people and preserve the stability of the country.”

He further said that his party “has always been committed to preserving national unity, following the path set by the Movement’s founder, Sheikh Mahfoud Nahnah, who prioritized the country’s unity and stability above all political considerations.”

Candidate Hassani Cherif highlighted Tizi-Ouzou’s historical, cultural, touristic and religious significance. He noted that it contributed to “combating the barbaric French occupation, producing great revolutionary leaders, preserving the Algerian identity along with the religious values through zaouias, along with thwarting attempts to erase national identity.”

Outlining his electoral program, Hassani Cherif highlighted that it centers on “economic reforms focusing on resource exploitation, equal opportunities, narrowing inequalities and boosting investment.”

He added that, if elected, he would “streamline processes and cut bureaucratic red tape for investors, while also encouraging the youth to set up micro-enterprises.”

Regarding social issues, the MSP candidate promised to establish the foundations of social justice by reviewing salaries and maintaining citizens’ purchasing power.

After underscoring the importance of the upcoming election for the country’s future, Hassani Cherif invited Tizi Ouzou’s citizens to “examine his electoral program and cast their votes for him on September 7th.”