Presidential Election: Hassani Cherif commits to setting up new development opportunities

BORDJ BOU ARRERIDJ — The candidate of the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP) for the upcoming September 7 Presidential election, Abdelaali Hassani Cherif, affirmed on Saturday in Bordj Bou Arreridj province that his electoral program aims to tap into available opportunities to advance the country’s prosperity and development.

Speaking at a rally at the "Bachir El Ibrahimi" hall in the city center, on day 17 of the election campaign, Hassani Cherif said that his electoral program “focuses on investing in the opportunities available and open to the Algerian people, so as to set up new development opportunities.”

In this regard, he highlighted Bordj Bou Arreridj’s potential “to become a major industrial hub, provided investment obstacles are removed.”

He further committed, if elected, to “ensure a favorable environment for investment through administrative reforms, eradication of corruption and bureaucracy, in addition to encouraging local youth to invest and establish small and medium enterprises (SMEs).”

Hassani Cherif underscored “the need to regulate trade, eliminate the informal market and require entrepreneurs to generate youth employment opportunities.”

He underscored that his program “serves as an opportunity to bolster the values and constants of the people, enhance their role in politics and put forward robust alternatives.”

Hassani Cherif pledged to advance democratic transition, promote pluralism, establish a culture of dialogue and build political partnerships capable of bringing about change.”

The program of the MSP candidate also includes “embracing digital and scientific transition, harnessing the collective expertise of Algerians both at home and abroad and upholding citizens’ sovereignty and dignity to propel Algeria into emerging nation status.”

He said that his project “is grounded in an objective evaluation of Algeria’s current situation and a thorough examination of different indicators and available data, with a view to addressing challenges, exploring issues and carrying out genuine reform.”

Hassani Cherif also highlighted Algeria’s unwavering support for Palestine and other just causes worldwide.

He stressed the importance of strong voter turnout on September 7 to legitimize the upcoming president through a free and democratic process, urging citizens to vote for him in order to allow him to realize his political project.