Presidential Election: Candidates stress preserving national unity

ALGIERS — The candidates for the upcoming September 7 presidential election and their representatives emphasized, on Saturday on day 17 of the election campaign, the preservation of the country’s stability and the consolidation of national unity through a high voter turnout in the September 7 election.

The candidate of the Socialist Forces Front, Youcef Aouchiche, called in Tizi-Ouzou, for “preserving national unity and strengthening its ties,” promising, if elected, to “uphold the constants of national identity.”

Aouchiche stressed that his presidential project “can fulfill the Algerians’ aspirations.” He presented his proposals as “a democratic alternative to build an Algeria in line with the principles of the Declaration of 1 November 1954 and the 1956 Soummam Congress resolutions.”

He said that this alternative “requires everyone to mobilize on September 7 to choose this program.”

In outlining his electoral program, Aouchiche highlighted political reforms, particularly the separation of powers and reforms in the justice and economic sectors.

The candidate reiterated his call for widespread mobilization and a high voter turnout.

For his part, Brahim Merad, campaign director of the independent candidate Abdelmadjid Tebboune, called during a proximity activity in Biskra and a popular rally in Tebessa to renew confidence in the independent candidate in order to ensure ongoing comprehensive development.

He noted that renewing confidence in the independent candidate Abdelmadjid Tebboune would enable him to “continue driving overall development, particularly in the economic and social fields.”

Merad elaborated that Tebboune’s program “includes boosting healthcare and housing, improving citizens' living conditions, upgrading several urban areas to provinces as part of a project that initially concerned the southern regions and high plateaus.”

He also mentioned opportunities for youth to invest in agriculture and industry.

Merad outlined the electoral program of the independent candidate, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, particularly his commitment to generate 450,000 jobs, continue increasing salaries and implement major structuring projects.

He further called on citizens to vote for Tebboune to “ensure the ongoing process of building the New Algeria.”

For his part, the Secretary-General of the National Liberation Front (FLN) party, Abdelkrim Benmbarek, called in Mascara to vote for the independent candidate, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, whose program aims to boost purchasing power through anti-inflation measures and wage increases.

The Secretary-General of the National Democratic Rally (RND), Mustapha Yahi, affirmed during visits to Djelfa and Medea that Tebboune is “the right man for the job, capable of tackling the country’s challenges.”

The President of El Bina National Movement, Abdelkader Bengrina, also underscored in Sidi Bel Abbes, that Abdelmadjid Tebboune has succeeded in “unifying the ranks of the nation and bolstering the internal front.”

The Presidents of three political parties — Fateh Boutbig of El-Moustakbal Front, Lamine Osmani of Sawt Echaâb, and Djamel Benabdeslam of the New Algeria Front — voiced their support in M'sila, Tebessa and Bordj Bou Arréridj respectively. They said that “re-electing Abdelmadjid Tebboune would enable him to push forward with his ongoing reforms and complete the development projects he initiated during his first term.”

Similarly, the President of the Freedom and Justice Party, Djamel Benziadi, and the Secretary General of the Union of Democratic and Social Forces party, Abderrahmane Salah, also called for voting in favor of the independent candidate, Tebboune.

In Tizi-Ouzou and Bouira, the candidate of the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP), Abdelaali Hassani Cherif, said that his electoral program “aims to bolster national unity and preserve the country’s stability,” stressing that the MSP “remains committed to preserving national unity, following the path set by the Movement’s founder, the late Mahfoud Nahnah.”

He highlighted Tizi-Ouzou’s historical, cultural, touristic and religious significance. He noted that it contributed to “combating the barbaric French occupation, producing great revolutionary leaders, preserving the Algerian identity and the religious values through zaouias, along with thwarting attempts to erase national identity.”

Outlining his electoral program, Hassani Cherif underscored that it centers on “economic reforms focusing on resource exploitation, equal opportunities, narrowing inequalities and boosting investment.”

He added that, if elected, he would “streamline processes and cut bureaucratic red tape for investors, while also encouraging the youth to set up micro-enterprises.”

Regarding social issues, the MSP candidate promised to establish the foundations of social justice by reviewing salaries and maintaining citizens’ purchasing power.

For his part, the Secretary General of Ennahda Movement, Mohamed Douibi, who supports the candidacy of Abdelaali Hassani Cherif, noted that the MSP candidate’s program “presents an opportunity for change and reform.”

El Hachemi Djaaboub, member of the MSP’s Consultative Council, said that the MSP candidate’s program “addresses the aspirations of youth, particularly regarding employment in different sectors such as agriculture, industry, and services.”