Presidential election: National community abroad to start voting on Monday

ALGIERS- The members of the national community established abroad will begin voting on Monday as part of the presidential election on September 7, which has three candidates in the running.

According to figures of the National Independent Authority of Elections (ANIE), the electorate of the national community abroad consists of 865,490 voters (45% women and 55% men), with 15.43% being under the age of 40.

ANIE is tasked with managing this overseas electorate through 117 commissions, distributed as follows: 18 in France, 30 in the rest of Europe, 22 in Arab countries, 21 in African countries, and 26 in Asia and America.

The article 132 of the organic law on the electoral system states that "ANIE’s president, in collaboration with the diplomatic and consular representations abroad and the relevant delegations, may decide to advance the opening date of the polls by one hundred and twenty (120) hours."