Candidate Hassani Cherif commits to involve national community abroad in country's development

BISKRA (Algeria)- The candidate of the Movement of Society for Peace for the presidential election of September 7, Abdelaali Hassani Cherif, pledged Sunday in Biskra to involve the national community abroad in the development of the country.

Leading a meeting at the thermal complex of Hammam Saliheen, on the 18th day of the election campaign, Hassani Cherif said his programme aimed to "establish

a political partnership involving different actors in a bid to achieve one goal: a strong, leading Algeria that can meet challenges."

Mentioning the beginning of the vote for the national community abroad on Monday, the candidate of the Movement of Society for Peace said his election programme contained 15 commitments in favour of the diaspora, including the development of a strategy to involve Algerians living abroad in national projects, especially those relating to development.

Hassani Cherif called on Algerians worldwide to go to the polls to take part in shaping the future of Algeria."

Headded that his programme focused on searching for "quick and effective solutions" to citizens' problems.

Putting forward the "economic and tourist assets that make Biskra a major economic hub," the candidate of the Movement of Society for Peace said "the province is Algeria's largest producer of dates, a fruit that is part of the country's exports."