Presidential election of great importance to Algerian people, says Hassani Cherfi    


ALGIERS-The candidate of the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP) for the presidential election, Abdelaali Hassani Cherif affirmed Saturday in Algiers that the presidential election was of great importance to the Algerian people.

After casting a vote, Hassani Cherif affirmed that “the Algerian people are called to participate in a decisive election in the country's history as they will freely choose the best program.”

In this regard, he stressed that he led the election process “with responsibility towards the country, the people and the political values in which the MSP party believe, based on democracy, pluralism and transparency.”

“My election campaign complied with ethics. I presented a political program on issues related to the motherland and the people, in addition to the prospects for an emerging Algerian, comprising 62 commitments,” affirmed Hassani Cherif.

The MSP party president urged the Algerian people “to vote massively.”

Three candidates run for this election, namely Youcef Aouchiche for the Front of Socialist Forces (FFS), the independent candidate, Abdelmadjid Tebboune and the candidate of the Movement for Peace and Society (MSP), Abdelaali Hassani Cherif.