Government Meeting: Census of flood damage

ALGIERS — The Prime Minister, Nadir Larbaoui, chaired on Wednesday a Government meeting primarily focused on examining the measures taken to urgently complete the operation of census of losses and damage caused by floods in several provinces of the country, as per the President of the Republic’s instructions, the Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement, which reads as follows:


“The Prime Minister, Nadir Larbaoui, chaired, this Wednesday, 11 September 2024, a Government meeting devoted notably, in execution of the directives of the President of the Republic, to examining the measures taken to urgently complete the assessment of the operation of census of losses and damage caused by floods that occurred in several provinces of the country, with the immediate care of affected families, compensation for losses, restoration and rehabilitation of the damaged road network and public services, and rush repairs in preparation for the upcoming academic year, while ensuring the availability of materials and basic products in the affected provinces.”

The Government also noted the evacuation and temporary accommodation of all affected families, away from any danger, with their immediate needs being addressed.

Furthermore, in line with the provisions of the organic law relating to finance laws, the Government continued examining the draft law for settling last year’s budget, a topic they first debated on 7 August 2024.

The Government also heard a communication on the state of implementing the port management development strategy, in its different dimensions, in order to reduce processing times for imported goods, in execution of the instructions of the President of the Republic given during the Council of Ministers of 2 June 2024.

The Government wrapped the meeting up by reviewing a draft executive decree modifying and completing the executive decree No. 04-381 of 28 November 2004, fixing the road traffic rules. This aims to introduce several measures with a view to enhancing road safety, bolstering personal and property security and facilitating administrative procedures for the Algerian diaspora.”
