Four terrorists active in Sahel region arrested

ALGIERS — Four terrorists active in the Sahel region were arrested by elements of the People’s National Army (PNA) at the level of the Military Sector of Tamanrasset, 6th Military Region, the Ministry of National Defense said on Thursday in a statement.


“As part of the fight against terrorism and thanks to the efficient exploitation of intelligence, the People’s National Army security services arrested, at the level of the Military Sector of Tamanrasset, in the 6th Military Region, four terrorists active in the Sahel region.”

The terrorists are Sekkouni Ibrahim, alias Taklou; the terrorist Laalaoui Mohamed, alias Ouedha; the terrorist El-Aaloui Ahmed alias El-Khattab; and the terrorist Terkzi Ahmada, alias Didi,” the same source noted.

Additionally, “a terrorist named Okba Kounta Sid Amar, alias Abou Nacer, turned himself in to the military authorities of the Operational Sector of Bordj-Badji Mokhtar. He was in possession of a Kalashnikov-type submachine gun, two loaded ammunition magazines and a radio communication device.”

These operations “once again demonstrate the effectiveness of the PNA’s approach and the efforts of our Armed Forces on the ground to eradicate the remnants of terrorism in our country and establish security and peace nationwide,” the statement added.
