President of the Republic commends success of presidential election

ALGIERS-The President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune commended Tuesday in Algiers the success of the September 7 presidential election, dubbing “clean” the election campaign he led alongside candidates Abdelaali Hassani Cherif and Youcef Aouchiche.


After taking the oath of office at the Palace of Nations, the President of the Republic made a speech in which he praised the Algerian people who “has always protected, with national awareness, the process to consolidate the legitimacy of institutions and establish the rule of law through national constitution events.”

Addressing candidates Abdelaali Hassani Cherif (Movement of Society for Peace party) and Youcef Aouchiche (Front of Socialist Forces party), the President of the Republic said: “We led together a clean election campaign marked by fair competition through the presentation of programs and ideas to voters.”

“Even though the methods to convince differed, the election campaign run under mutual respect, the rules of democracy, the requirement of moral consciousness, faithfulness to the country of shouhada (war martyrs) and loyalty to the fatherland,” stated the President of the Republic.

He proudly praised “the success of this important election marked by serenity and security since its preparation began, the day after the announcement of the snap presidential election.”

On this occasion, the President of the Republic hailed the role of the People’s National Army (PNA), constituted corps and all the sectors concerned, which “provided logistical support to ensure a transparent, free and fair election.”[/ecr]