Protecting Arab countries from conflict fallout, strengthening partnerships to preserve interests

CAIRO-The president of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPA), Brahim Boughali, emphasized on Monday, in Cairo, the need to protect Arab countries against the repercussions of rivalry between major powers by strengthening their partnerships in order to preserve their interests, the People’s National Assembly said in a press release.


In a speech he gave during the 36th AIPA’s Executive Committee, Boughali emphasized “the need to protect Arab countries against the repercussions of rivalry between major powers,” calling for “the strengthening of their partnerships at both regional and international levels to preserve their interests, and to work towards achieving Arab economic integration as a strategic step ensuring autonomy and prosperity.”

Arab parliamentarians “are called upon to revive joint action in different spaces, particularly with their counterparts and partners in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, to raise awareness among parliamentarians worldwide about the region’s issues and causes, primarily the Palestinian cause,” he added.

He also noted that “the armed conflicts and socioeconomic crises facing the Arab region require the development of clear strategies focused on strengthening Arab national security and activating Arab parliamentary cooperation mechanisms to build a future where social justice prevails and achieve sustainable development.”

He further mentioned the suffering of the Palestinian people, which he considers “the main challenge to address,” affirming that “there is no other choice for Arab countries than to stand firmly against attempts to impose fait accompli on Palestinian territories and to continue supporting the inalienable rights of its people, foremost the establishment of its independent State with Al-Quds as capital.”
