French nuclear explosions in Algerian Sahara: One of history's most horrific crimes of extermination

ALGIERS — The Speaker of the Council of the Nation (upper house of Parliament), the mujahid Salah Goudjil, said on Thursday that France's nuclear explosions in the Algerian Sahara are one of the most atrocious crimes of extermination, leaving behind contaminated lands and claiming countless innocent lives.


“Today marks the 65th anniversary of the catastrophe of nuclear explosions carried out by French colonialism in the Algerian desert, serving as a reminder to the world of one of the most atrocious crimes of extermination that poisoned the land and claimed countless lives,” Goudjil posted on his official social media account.

He added, “The toxic legacy buried beneath the desert sands continues to spread, claiming new victims to this day—a direct consequence of neocolonialism’s reckless indifference.”
