Merad reaffirms, from Tunis, Algeria's commitment to security threats

TUNIS- The Minister of the Interior, Local Authorities, and Territorial Planning, Brahim Merad, reaffirmed on Sunday in Tunis Algeria's willingness to continue supporting joint Arab action and to engage in initiatives aimed at enhancing the ability of Arab states to face various security threats.

[ecr] This meeting "takes place at a time when the Arab region is facing major security challenges amid the rampant crises shaking the world," which requires "working together to lay the foundations for constructive cooperation in order to create sustainable mechanisms to ensure global security and eliminate the sources of threats affecting our societies and Arab countries," said Merad at the 42nd session of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers (CMAI).

Among these security threats, the minister mentioned "the spread of terrorism, violent extremism, hate speech, and transnational organized crime."

Algeria "will spare no effort to share its successful experience with its Arab brothers in terms of the fight against terrorism," he stressed. 

Speaking about cybercrimes, the minister said that they can be seen as "a real danger to the security of individuals and societies, which forces all of us to take the necessary measures to face them and reduce their risks."

"Algeria has worked to strengthen the foundations of cybersecurity, notably with the decision of the President of the Republic to establish a national system for the protection of information systems," he said. 

"Algeria continues its efforts in this field by developing a national strategy for the security of information systems, in coordination with the various concerned bodies, while also working to integrate cybersecurity into the educational system," he added. 

As part of the ongoing efforts in this area, the Minister of the Interior praised the initiative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to create a "Council of Arab Ministers of Cybersecurity," in which Algeria participated during its first session in Riyadh last December.

Moreover, Merad highlighted the risks of natural disasters, which now constitute "a growing threat to the Arab region, as dangerous as other challenges we have faced."

Based on the shared responsibility of all countries in the region, Merad called on the CMAI to "double efforts in order to strengthen Arab cooperation in terms of natural disaster risk prevention, joint readiness to face them, and limiting their repercussions."

The Minister of the Interior further praised the organization of the sixth Arab Regional Forum on Disaster Risk Reduction by the State of Kuwait, which was "a valuable opportunity to develop a unified Arab vision based on the establishment of concrete and operational mechanisms in early warning, prevention, intervention, and support." [/ecr]