Message of President of the Republic on National Shaheed Day

ALGIERS- President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, delivered Monday a message marking the National Shaheed Day, coinciding with 18 February. Here is the APS translation:

"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, prayer and peace be upon his Messenger,

 Fellow citizens,

Algeria commemorates the National Shaheed Day in recognition of the Algerian people’s loyalty for the heavy tribute dearly paid with the blood of the martyrs in the pursuit of freedom and independence, and the immense sacrifices made by countless free patriotic men and women who became aware, after decades of struggle within the school of the national movement, that colonialism with its brutal and destructive methods had invaded our pure land and suppressed its courageous people for more than one hundred and thirty years.

Terrible were the crimes of those who claimed civilization and urbanization, as it was a destructive settler colonialism haunted by the illusion of permanence, with no intention of giving up the bounties and wealth. Its illusions were foiled by a massive revolution, blessed by Allah Almighty in proportion to the patience of the sons of a resistant people, their commitment to freedom and dignity, and their elevation of human values.

A people determined to liberate the land that continued to reject and refuse the colonial settler presence through uninterrupted resistances since the arrival of hordes of barbaric invaders, resistance after resistance, proudly immortalized by national history in the collective memory of the nation.

These revolutionaries had realized that there was no other option than armed struggle, which they conducted with courage and merit, without yielding to calculations of the balance of forces and without their determination being diminished by the horrors and difficulties that they faced, continuing to follow the path of memorable November, towards victory.

As we commemorate this precious anniversary in a flourishing Algeria, we draw inspiration from their awareness, confidence in our country's assets, and the mobilization of its potential to raise Algeria to the rank of emerging countries. 

We are fully certain of the awareness of our people and our youth that moving towards strategic development with its political, economic and social dimensions is the noblest of unifying challenges that motivate willpower and the most difficult of stakes that Algerian women and men aspire to win, and it is the most sincere expression of loyalty to our righteous martyrs, whose pure souls I pray for with you on this National Day of the Martyr, and I extend on this occasion greetings and appreciation to my sisters mujahidate and my brothers mujahideen.


Long live Algeria!

Glory and eternity to our valiant martyrs."