Boughali takes part in 7th Conference of Arab Parliament Speakers

ALGIERS- The Speaker of the People’s National Assembly and President of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPU), Brahim Boughali, will partake on Saturday at the headquarters of the Arab League, in Cairo, in the 7th Conference of Arab Parliament Speakers, said the assembly in a Communiqué.

[ecr]  This conference is being held "for the first time" jointly with the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPU), which reflects the importance of this event that "demonstrates the will of Arab parliamentarians to strengthen joint action, particularly in the face of current challenges," according to the same source.

The conference agenda includes "the adoption of a unified Arab parliamentary position in support of the Palestinian people's resistance on their land and the rejection of all proposals for forced or voluntary displacement."

It also regards the "adoption of a parliamentary action plan entitled 'Arab Parliamentary Action Document in Support of the Palestinian People’s Resistance, Rejection of Displacement and Annexation, and Foiling the Plans to Liquidate the Palestinian Issue.'"

As part of this meeting’s work, Boughali will chair the 37th extraordinary session of the AIPU executive committee scheduled for February 23, according to the same source.

Boughali will be accompanied by President of the parliamentary group of the presidential third at the National Council, Saad Arous, and member of the AIPU executive committee, as well as deputies Youcef Rahmania and Ibrahim Fakhour. [/ecr]