Behdja Lammali partakes in Joint PAP Meeting

ALGIERS- President of the Committee on Transport, Industry, Communications, Energy, Science, and Technology at the Pan-African Parliament (PAP), Behdja Lammali, took part on Saturday in Midrand (South Africa) in the expanded Bureau meeting of the PAP, according to a statement issued by the People's National Assembly (APN).

[ecr] During this meeting, "Algeria received congratulations from the participants, led by the President of the PAP, on the occasion of its election to the position of Vice-President of the African Union (AU) Commission, reflecting the country's privileged position on the continental stage," the source said. 

Speaking on this occasion, Lammali said that "the election of Ambassador Selma Malika Haddadi to the position of Vice-President of the AU Commission represents a qualitative contribution that will strengthen Algeria's role within the AU bodies and contribute to promoting mechanisms for common African action," the same source added.

Lammali further emphasized "Algeria's firm commitment to strengthening its African depth," affirming that Algeria "has always sought to build bridges of cooperation and complementarity with countries on the continent."

In this regard, she recalled "the initiative of the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, to provide a voluntary contribution of one (1) million dollars to the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), in support of efforts to consolidate good governance in Africa." [/ecr]