Meziane chaired the opening of a specialized training session for journalists from different national media outlets, centered on “communication techniques in journalistic practice.”
In this respect, he underscored “how crucial it is for Algerian journalists to develop practical skills that allow them to completely fulfill their duty and role.”
Highlighting the importance of journalists as “opinion leaders,” the minister noted that “the purpose of journalism is to enlighten society.”
The minister touched on the social responsibility that falls on journalists, pointing out that “the media, especially audiovisual outlets, can bring added value by educating and informing citizens.”
He further noted the importance of training “as a key mechanism to back journalists and media institutions.”
Meziane added that “promoting the work and performance of media institutions is tied to various dimensions, such as the political aspect related to backing major programs undertaken by different national institutions, and the material dimension, which at times requires state assistance.”
On the topic of boosting media performance, Meziane emphasized “the need to support human resources, particularly through ongoing training.”
This six-week English-language training is part of the ministry’s training program for Algerian journalists and media professionals, as part of implementing the Government Action Plan to enhance institutional communication.