President Tebboune receives Ugandan delegation led by Special envoy of Ugandan President

ALGIERS-The President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, received on Wednesday, a Ugandan delegation led by the special envoy of Uganda’s President, Mohamed Ahmed Kisuule, Senior Advisor for Middle East Affairs, the Presidency of the Republic said in a press release.

The audience was attended by the Chief of Staff at the Presidency of the Republic, Boualem Boualem, Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs, National Community Abroad and African Affairs, Ahmed Attaf, the Advisor to the President of the Republic for Religious Affairs, Zawiyyas and Qur'anic Schools, Mohamed Hassouni, Minister of Religious Affairs and Wakfs, Youcef Belmehdi, and President of the High Islamic Council, Mabrouk Zaid El Kheir.