Non-oil exports: CREA applauds President Tebboune’s decisions

ALGIERS — The Algerian Council for Economic Renewal (CREA) welcomed with great satisfaction the new decisions regarding non-hydrocarbon exports announced by the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, during the ceremony of the 2nd President of the Republic’s Award for Best Exporter for 2023, as per CREA’s press release.


President Tebboune outlined several measures, including: restructuring the country’s foreign trade map to align with national interests and global geopolitical challenges, liberalizing exports in sectors where production exceeds domestic demand, such as cooking oil, sugar and pasta and establishing export-focused logistic bases across all economic hubs.

The President of the Republic also cited expanding Algerian banking networks internationally, with a focus on Africa, launching air and sea trade routes to boost Algeria’s central role in the region, opening large-scale distribution networks to private and foreign investment and allowing exporters to use the temporary admission system to increase exports of high value-added products.

“These crucial measures will significantly boost both the volume and diversity of our exports, further enhancing our country’s positive image,” the same source said.

“CREA applauds President Tebboune’s strategic vision and his willingness to do everything to bolster our country’s economy,” the press release added.
