Lower House: MPs begin voting on 2025 Finance Bill

ALGIERS — Members of the People's National Assembly (Lower House of Parliament) began on Wednesday the voting process for the 2025 Finance Bill (PLF).


The Finance Bill will undergo an article-by-article vote during a plenary session chaired by the Speaker of the lower house, Brahim Boughali, in the presence of Finance Minister Laaziz Faid and government members.

MPs put forward 90 amendments, which were incorporated into the supplementary report of the lower house's Finance and Budget Committee.

The 2025 Finance Bill was drafted based on a fiscal reference price of USD$60 per barrel of crude oil for the 2025-2027 period, with a market price of USD$70 per barrel over the same period.

The bill projects 4.5% economic growth for 2025 and 2026, with the non-oil sector expected to grow by 5% in 2025.

The bill also includes measures designed to promote investment and boost the national economy and production, while also incorporating measures to protect purchasing power and enhance citizens' quality of life.

The Finance Bill focuses on expanding the tax base while introducing several incentives and streamlined procedures for different economic sectors — all without imposing any new taxes.
