The minister spoke during the World Customs Day ceremony, celebrated on January 26 each year and organized at the National Army Circle (CNA) in Algiers, in the presence of Government members, senior State officials, and customs sector executives, led by the Director General of Customs, Major General Abdelhafid Bakhouche.
In his address, the minister noted that the customs “plays an active role in promoting economic development and strengthening the country’s financial balance,” highlighting “the diversity and quality of achievements accomplished in 2024, notably the completion of the digitization program with the creation of complementary units to its +ALCES+ information system, in addition to fruitful results in the fight against fraud and smuggling.”
After emphasizing that 2025 will be a pivotal year for deepening economic reforms, Faid highlighted “the customs’ commitment to supporting these ambitious reforms through the adoption of comprehensive and integrated policies, the development of customs work mechanisms, and the strengthening of digitization, which will contribute to improving revenue collection and facilitating foreign trade, in addition to fighting all forms of illegal practices.”