“Sonelgaz’s performance in 2024 was marked by the achievement of a new record figure in exports with revenues of more than €268 million, compared to €219 million in 2023, representing an increase of 22%,” said the same source.
The exports include electricity, locally manufactured electrical and gas equipment as well as rehabilitation operations for electrical and gas equipment and training services in the electrical field.
This performance is part of “implementing instructions from the country’s high authorities aimed at gradually moving away from hydrocarbon dependency, through the diversification of economic, commercial and industrial activities and the promotion of locally manufactured national products to integrate a new economic model focused on creating added value,” added the same source.
These figures mirror “Sonelgaz’s commitment to effectively contribute to increasing the national integration rate, with the aim of reducing the import bill, thus constituting an essential lever for economic growth and a main tool for diversifying foreign currency resources,” according to the press release.