FIFA rejects map presented by Morocco, thwarting Makhzen’s aspirations

MADRID-The International Football Federation (FIFA) once again avoided satisfying the expansionist desires of the Makhzen regime by rejecting a map presented by Morocco that included Western Sahara, and instead adhered to the internationally recognized map that distinguishes between the two territories.


In an analytical article published Thursday by the Spanish website El Independiente, Spanish journalist Francisco Carrion exposes the deception of the Makhzen during the presentation of the evaluation report of the candidacy signed by the global governing body of football federations, based in Switzerland, which avoids reproducing the map of Morocco indicating its alleged claims of sovereignty over the territory of Western Sahara, as this would challenge international legality and the UN resolutions.

This attempt to legitimize the alleged “sovereignty” of Morocco over the Sahrawi territory and its resources has no foundation in international law, as the UN considers Western Sahara a territory pending decolonization, recalled the article’s author.

The technical report published last week by FIFA completely destroyed Rabat’s aspirations.

The FIFA refused to adopt the map of Morocco provided by the Makhzen regime and adhered to the internationally recognized map, with borders that distinguish between Morocco and Western Sahara.
