In a speech made during the award ceremony for the 2024’s Brahim-Dahmani poll, organized annually by APS, Gaïd said that “the agency's renewal of its pact with its honourable history is part of its national duty as a public national institution tasked with advancing society's progress and celebrating its achievements.”
The Director General also reiterated the agency's commitment and loyalty to the message of those who founded this Award and to “the memory of all these pioneers.” “How could it be otherwise when we live the glory of national memory and the pride of its architects, within the framework of an eminent national policy whose main lines were defined by the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, based on loyalty to those whose sacrifices of yesterday were the price to pay for us to enjoy today our national sovereignty and this glory,” he added.
"We all see today how our champions have also honoured this pact, by achieving remarkable victories that saw our national flag raised high in 2024, mirroring the greatness of our great country, the will of its champions and the determination of their professional teams, all imbued with the values of the homeland and determined to triumph, among whom are those that APS had the honour to reward during the 2023’ s poll for the best Algerian athletes," added Gaïd.
The Director General also highlighted "the national media’s ongoing support to the Algerian sporting elite through their encouragement and professional commitment to all Algerian athletes in all circumstances, facing all challenges and at all events," while commending the partners who contributed to the success of this event organized for the second consecutive year after a ten-year absence.
In this regard, Gaïd commended the public economic group “Madar” and the National Company for Communication, Publishing and Advertising (ANEP) for their contribution to the success of the APS poll.
He extended his thanks to all those involved in this sporting media event, from the technical teams and survey management committee to the national sports media personnel, while congratulating the winners.